Main page > Kokorico > BOTTLE NIGHT @ Kokorico
Upcoming: 197
Date: 08.08.2015 23:00
Address: Grote Baan 22, Zomergem, Belgium | show on the map »
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B O T T L E _ P R O M O
Bottle of Eristoff (0,7l) & 4 RedBulls = 50 EUR
Promo valid on all flavours of Eristoff Bottles.
T H E _ H O T T E S T _ S U M M E R B E A T S
Dance into the night with the hottest summerbeats by Kokorico's deejays
♪ X-Tof
♪ Vince Nova
R N B _ R O O M
The Booty Room offers you the best Urban and R&B music. Dj's Hich & G-spot charm the ladies with their sensual music and assure a smooth party every week. Shake that booty...
♪ Deejay Hich
♪ Deejay G-spot
G E N E R A L _ I N F O
▸ Entrance fee: 10€
▸ Clubcard: 3€ (only for firsttime visitors)
▸ Guarded parking & wardrobe
▸ Minimum age 17+
▸ Doors open at 23h, join us before midnight ⌂