Party: IndyMojo Presents: Infected Mushroom (New Production)

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IndyMojo Presents: Infected Mushroom (New Production)

Club: The Vogue Theatre

Upcoming: 194
Date: 13.03.2015 01:00
Address: 6259 N College Ave, Indianapolis, United States | show on the map »

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Party: IndyMojo Presents: Infected Mushroom (New Production)

* Infected Mushroom (New Production)
Krayot / Los Angeles

Infected Mushroom will debut their BRAND NEW stage production, Animatronica, on their US and Canada 2015 Tour.

Infected Mushroom’s production is the first of its type. Imagine; a flame throwing, steam blasting, eye popping, self standing mechanical “Steampunk” themed mushroom.

This mechanical being is more than a stage production, but an art installation with a darkened soul. Infected Mushroom will give life to a new type of live element sure to satisfy the thirst of this ever-changing and rapidly evolving hunger the masses desire.

Animatronica will set a new standard in stage production and design for 2015.

* Randy Seidman

* Jin-XS

Thursday, March 12th
Doors 8pm
Show 9pm

$20 Advance
$25 Day Of
On Sale - Monday, Feb 9th - 5pm
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Invited: Adriana Llanes, Chris Green, Brittany Warden, Karma Jack, Caroline Courtney, Vincent Shen, Clint Jukebox, John Warner, Jared Malott, Colin Caffee, Karen Hill, Dickie Jangatha, Ned Brockmeyer, Leah Jakaitis, Christopher Noland, Scottie Lee VanFleet, Jay Red, Alex Redmond, Justin Ryan, Jared Wright, Kenneth Lambert show more »