Patricia Alves parties

Patricia Alves

Patricia Alves

gender: female | Language: Eesti | Facebook link

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Patricia Alves last invitations


Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX.10 ABR. - Noite AfroLATINA c/DJ PeterSKY & TiagoGOMES // SAB.11 ABR. - DJ Alex & JoséNUNES 05.04.2015 21:08 Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX.10 ABR. - Noite AfroLATINA c/DJ PeterSKY & TiagoGOMES // SAB.11 ABR. - DJ Alex & JoséNUNES Patricia Alves people attended Windeck.Club - :::.. 1º Aniversário ..::: W/ DADUH KING (Prod. HITS - Gostosa & Me Mata) c/DJ's Res. JoséNUNES & TripleF. 30.03.2015 06:01 Patricia Alves people attended Windeck.Club - :::.. 1º Aniversário ..::: W/ DADUH KING (Prod. HITS - Gostosa & Me Mata)  c/DJ\'s Res. JoséNUNES & TripleF. Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX. 27 MAR. - AFRO NIGTH c/DJ TiagoGOMES // SAB. 28 MAR. - DJ NUKA & DJ.Res. JoséNUNES 23.03.2015 17:20 Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX. 27 MAR. - AFRO NIGTH c/DJ TiagoGOMES //  SAB. 28 MAR. - DJ NUKA & DJ.Res. JoséNUNES Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX. 20 MAR. - AFRO NIGTH c/DJ Costela // SAB. 21 MAR. - NOITE ERISTOFF C/ DJ.Res. JoséNunes & TripleF. 17.03.2015 23:12 Patricia Alves people attended WINDECK.CLUB - SEX. 20 MAR. - AFRO NIGTH c/DJ Costela // SAB. 21 MAR. - NOITE ERISTOFF C/ DJ.Res. JoséNunes & TripleF. Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 6 MARÇO - NOITE KIZOMBA c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB. 7 MARÇO - "O JEITO DELAS" PRO SOMERSBY BLACKBERRY - DJ EDUARDO PATRAO & DJ JOSE NUNES 02.03.2015 22:14 Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 6 MARÇO - NOITE KIZOMBA c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB. 7 MARÇO - \ Patricia Alves people attended SEX 27 FEV - AFRO NIGTH c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB 28 FEV - DJ KIMONO & DJ RES TRIPLE F 23.02.2015 19:26 Patricia Alves people attended SEX 27 FEV - AFRO NIGTH c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB 28 FEV - DJ KIMONO & DJ RES TRIPLE F Patricia Alves people attended SEX 20 FEV - NOITE AFROLATINA // SAB 21 FEV - DJ MADDOX & DJ RES JOSE NUNES 19.02.2015 14:25 Patricia Alves people attended SEX 20 FEV - NOITE AFROLATINA // SAB 21 FEV - DJ MADDOX & DJ RES JOSE NUNES Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 30 JAN - NOITE AFROLATINA c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB. 21 JAN - DJ RUMBLE & DJ RESIDENTE JOSE NUNES 26.01.2015 16:24 Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 30 JAN - NOITE AFROLATINA c/ DJ TIAGO GOMES // SAB. 21 JAN - DJ RUMBLE & DJ RESIDENTE JOSE NUNES Patricia Alves people attended Sex. 23 JAN. - NOITE KIZOMBA c/ Dj Tiago Gomes // Sab: 24 JAN. - LADIES NIGTH c/ Dj THE DOCTOR DOC & Dj RES. JOSE NUNES 20.01.2015 12:35 Patricia Alves people attended Sex. 23 JAN. - NOITE KIZOMBA c/ Dj Tiago Gomes // Sab: 24 JAN. - LADIES NIGTH c/ Dj THE DOCTOR DOC & Dj RES. JOSE NUNES Patricia Alves people attended SEX 09 JAN. - AFRO PARTY c/ DJ FRED (Coimbra) // SAB. 10 JAN. - Dj XANO CAVALEIRO & RES. JOSE NUNES 08.01.2015 23:16 Patricia Alves people attended SEX 09 JAN. - AFRO PARTY c/ DJ FRED (Coimbra) // SAB. 10 JAN. - Dj XANO CAVALEIRO  & RES. JOSE NUNES Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 14 NOV - "NOITE AFROLATINA" Dj PETER SKY ( residente Ice Club ) & Dj Tiago Gomes // SAB. 15 NOV. LADIES FIRST - DJ "KRAND"HUGO F. Dj residente JOSE NUNES 28.11.2014 06:02 Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 14 NOV - \ Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 21 NOV - NOITE AFRICANA * WORKSHOPS KIZOMBA * DJS JOSÉ NUNES & TRIPLE F // SAB 22 NOV - FESTA SUPER BOCK * Dj TIAGO DIAS (COIMBRA) & Dj RESIDENTE JOSE NUNES 28.11.2014 06:02 Patricia Alves people attended SEX. 21 NOV - NOITE AFRICANA * WORKSHOPS KIZOMBA * DJS JOSÉ NUNES & TRIPLE F // SAB 22 NOV - FESTA SUPER BOCK * Dj TIAGO DIAS (COIMBRA) & Dj RESIDENTE JOSE NUNES Patricia Alves people attended Sex. 28 Nov - "DANÇAR KIZOMBA" C/ Dj TIAGO GOMES // SAB 29 NOV - DJ RANP (residente Kimika Club) & Dj RES. JOSE NUNES 28.11.2014 06:02 Patricia Alves people attended Sex. 28 Nov - \



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Windeck Club

Windeck Club

Address: Rua da Industria, Lot. 9, Tábua, Portugal
Phone: 969462846

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