Party: Summer Salsa Al Bastione
Main page > Casa de Baile > Summer Salsa Al Bastione
Upcoming: 9
Date: 16.06.2015 19:00
Address: Pärnu mnt 19, IV korrus, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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2. juunil alustas uue hooajaga traditsiooniline Casa de Baile Salsa üritustesari: Summer Salsa Al Bastione suveterrassil.
Siin tantsime Salsat igal suvisel teisipäeval!
Peo teevad eriliseks:
- DJ Enrique Fabregas Kuubalt parimate uute Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba jne lugudega
- Tasuta tantsuõpetus kell 19:30-20:00
- Eripakkumised Al Bastione poolt
- Palju tantsu, lusti, sõpru ja muidugi SINA!
Tule tantsima Al Bastione suveaeda! Kutsu ka sõbrad kaasa: tantsuõpetus sobib kõigile!
Ilusa ilmaga toimub üritus õues kella 22-ni ning seejärel jätkub üritus restorani siseruumis.
Kehvema ilma puhul toimub üritus algusest peale sees: siin on palju ruumi ja hea põrand tantsimiseks!
Üritus on TASUTA, aga palun toeta ürituse toimumist ja tee õhtu jooksul vähemalt üks ost baarist!
Dear dancers!
Casa de Baile's Summer Salsa Al Bastione opening party took place 2 June and it was a blast!
Here is where we dance every Tuesday...
We'll have:
* DJ Enrique Fabregas spinning the best tunes of Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and more!
* Free dance class 19:30-20:00 (bring your friends here to try!)
* Special drink offers from Al Bastione
* Lots of dance, fun, friends and YOU!
Tuesdays are the days to meet old and new friends and dance Salsa (and other dances) in Bastioni Aed! There is plenty of dancing space here, fresh air, new menu and refreshing drinks. This is a perfect summertime party in the Old Town!
Our resident Cuban DJ Enrique Fabregas will be spinning the best music on the summer terrace until 10 PM. Then the party goes on inside: there is spacious and good quality dance floor here!
In case of bad weather the party is inside from the start.
This party is FREE of charge, but please support the party by making at least one purchase from the bar!
Come on, let's dance!