Party: Balul Bobocilor Colegiul National ,,Aurel Vlaicu'' Orastie -Party Off Darkness

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Balul Bobocilor Colegiul National ,,Aurel Vlaicu'' Orastie -Party Off  Darkness

Club: Club Tarabostes Official

Upcoming: 96
Date: 24.10.2014 20:00
Address: Strada Armatei nr. 1 ,Complex Comercial Palia, Orastie, Romania | show on the map »

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Party: Balul Bobocilor Colegiul National ,,Aurel Vlaicu'' Orastie -Party Off Darkness

Invited: Marius C Viseroi, Aldea Simona, Aurel Lucian Floran, Radu Alexandra, Iulia Corlaci, Inna Innutzaa, Larisa A. Cozma, Diana Trușcă, Stefan Bratu, Roxana Iosif, Nica Ioan Sebastian, Razvan Trif, Grigore Cruceru, Roxana Roxy, Boscu Alvin, Socaciu Andreea, Diana Breha, Ralu Lazar, Ungureanu Mihaela, Bianca Cristina, Lora Lo show more »
