Party: FABBA- The Ultimate Tribute
Main page > Katoomba RSL > FABBA- The Ultimate Tribute
Upcoming: 1
Date: 27.12.2014 20:30
Address: 86 Lurline St, Katoomba, Australia | show on the map »
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FABBA is now a popular corporate and world class international act comprising of professional musicians and musical theatre performers. While FABBA are dedicated to replicating the Abba sound, they have also added the theatrics, fun and modern style to the songs as seen in the musical/movie “Mamma Mia” The FABBA show has an entire wardrobe designed to capture the complete look of Abba – from the 70’s to now. Every FABBA show is tailored to suit each individual event and function from costumes and scripting through to the song list. FABBA promises to deliver a show that is highly energetic, visually captivating, musically brilliant, audience engaging & always….. totally entertaining
***Katoomba RSL is an all ages venue... Under 18's need to be accompanied by and adult or legal guardian and must be supervised at all times***