Party: Holger Marjamaa Trio feat. Chad Lefkowitz-Brown
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Date: 04.06.2017 18:00
Address: Tatari 4, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Festival Visioon 2017 presents:
HOLGER MARJAMAA TRIO feat Chad Lefkowitz-Brown
Two concerts at 6 PM and 9 PM.
Chad Lefkowitz-Brown - saxophone
Holger Marjamaa - piano
Raphael Pannier- drums
Benjamin Tiberio- doublebass
Tickets 12/7€
At 27-years-old, Chad Lefkowitz-Brown is already a renowned jazz saxophonist and international recording artist. He is currently a member of the multi Grammy award-winning Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, and he has made internationally televised appearances with pop icons like Taylor Swift, Don Henley and Phillip Phillips. Chad has toured across the globe as a soloist and with many esteemed jazz artists, including Arturo O’Farrill and Clarence Penn.
A native of Elmira, New York, Chad established himself as a jazz prodigy at age 11, performing throughout New York State under the mentorship of local jazz hero, George Reed, who was known for backing legends like Teddy Wilson, Buddy Tate, and Marian McPartland.
Chad went on to pursue a formal education in the arts at the Brubeck Institute, a prestigious fellowship program created by jazz legend Dave Brubeck. While studying at the institute, he performed regularly with Brubeck and was a member of the Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet.
Chad received many accolades during his scholastic career, including 15 DownBeat Magazine Student Music Awards for categories such as "Best Jazz Soloist" and "Best Original Song."
Since graduating from the Brubeck Institute, Chad has performed throughout four continents, and has appeared at venues including Carnegie Hall, the Super Bowl, and Madison Square Garden. His debut album, Imagery Manifesto, was named “Debut Album of the Year” by jazz critic and author, Doug Ramsey, and his forthcoming album, “Onward,” features jazz legend, Randy Brecker.
In fall 2017, Chad will join the faculty of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music as a visiting artist for their new Roots, Jazz and American Music program.
Raphael Pannier is a 26 years old drummer born and raised in Paris, France. Raphael studied first at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA. There, he worked with renowned teachers such as Hal Crook, Ralph Peterson Jr, and Terri Lyne Carrington. In 2013, he got hired by the pianist Emil Afrasiyab, a national artist from Azerbaidjan, and started touring with him. Together, they performed at numerous international venues, such as the Carnegie Hall in NY, the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, the Baku Jazz Festival in Azerbaidjan, the festival Jazz a Saint Germain des Pres in Paris, and so on, playing a unique fusion of Jazz and “Mugam”, the traditional music from Azerbaidjan. Able to play many different styles of music at a high level, Raphael also played as a sideman with numerous names such as Steve Wilson, Bob James, Eric Lewis, or Marcos Valle, performing in other great venues such as the Montreal Jazz Festival in Canada, the Paraty Jazz Festival in Brazil, or the Heinekein Jazz Festival in Spain. In 2016, Raphael won the international “Six Strings Competition” organized by the guitar legend Lee Ritenour. Raphael toured with Lee's band the same year, playing in venues such as the Blue Note Tokyo (Japan), and recorded for his next album. Raphael is now living in New York City, studying at the Manhattan School of Music for his Master Degree.
Bassist Benjamin Tiberio (November 21st, 1991) is originally from Rochester, New York, where he attended Fairport High School and the Eastman Community Music School. Upon graduation, Benjamin attended the University of Miami's Frost School of Music, where he earned his bachelor's degree in jazz performance on full tuition scholarship. He also spent time abroad in Helsinki, Finland, at the Sibelius Academy of Music. In addition to being a multi instrumentalist, Benjamin is also an avid composer. He has received honorable mention at the ASCAP young jazz composers awards, and has performed in several Downbeat award-winning ensembles. In 2014, Benjamin attended the International Association of Schools of Jazz conference, held in Cape Town, South Africa, and led by acclaimed saxophonist David Liebman. In January of 2015, Benjamin moved to New York City to pursue his freelance career. He has since performed at a number of New York’s premier jazz clubs, including Smalls Jazz Club, Minton’s Playhouse, Smoke Jazz Club, and Dizzy’s Club, and has performed at jazz festivals across the United States. Throughout the course of his career, Benjamin has had the privilege of performing with a number of today’s most notable jazz artists, including Kenny Barron, Terell Stafford, Herlin Riley, Brian Lynch, Danilo Perez, Bobby McFerrin, Chick Corea, Ben Wendel, and Aaron Goldberg, among others.
Talendikas pianist ja helilooja Holger Marjamaa õpib alates sügisest New Yorgis Manhattan School of Music magistriõppes, kus ta on lühikese ajaga äratanud suurt tähelepanu. Ta on ainsa pianistina kaasatud mitmes kooli mainekas koosseisus. Augustis on võimalik Holger Marjamaad taas Euroopas kuulda – koos teiste tipptasemel tudengitega võtab ta osa Amsterdamis toimuvatest kooli esinduskontsertidest.
Holger Marjamaa õppejõud Jukkis Uotila, Sibeliuse Akadeemia professor ja legendaarne trummar/pianist, on öelnud, et kolmekümne aasta jooksul ei ole tal olnud nii kiiresti arenevat ja suure potentsiaaliga õpilast. Tänaseks on tema kvaliteet nii kõrge, et isegi Soomes on sama tasemega pianisti leidmine väljakutse. Holger Marjamaa on pärit muusikalisest perest – tema ema Kristiina Liivik juhib muusikakooli ja korraldab festivale ning vend Mairo Marjamaa on tunnustatud saksofonist. Noor pianist harjutas periooditi klaverimängu isegi 14 tundi päevas – muusika on tema eluviis.
Ta peab oluliselt seada endale selgeid sihte ning hoida vaimu lõputult värskena. Klassikalise muusika kõrval hakkas teda köitma jazzi loominguvabadus, noorema ea iidoliks peab ta Chick Coread. Teda on mõjutanud ka gospelmuusika harmooniline ja energeetiline olemus, järjest enam püüab ta neid omadusi ka oma loomingus ja mängustiilis rakendada. 2013. aastal pälvis ta Noore Jazzitalendi preemia, täna on ta loomingus keskendunud jazziklassika interpreteerimisele.
Manhattan School of Music on maailma jazzikoolide tipp. Holger Marjamaa läbis 3000 kandidaadiga sõela ja pääses magistriõppesse ühena kahest vastu võetud pianistist. Lisaks unikaalsele õpingukogemusele tippõppejõudude käe all ja ülikõrge tasemega kaastudengite seas, annab suure panuse õpingutesse ka selle asukoht New Yorgis – linnas, mis ei maga. Seal on võimalus käia igal õhtul jazziklubides ja näha fantastilisi muusikuid – konkurents selles linnas on meeletu, kuid sunnib seda enam pingutama ja endast järjepidevalt absoluutset maksimumi andma.
Tickets 12/7€
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