Main page > Sektor 909 > EDDY RAMICH - СЕКТОР 909
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Date: 21.11.2015 23:45
Address: Bul. Kliment Ohridski, Skopje, Macedonia | show on the map »
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21.11.2015 сабота
EDDY RAMICH [Compost Rec. Freerange Rec. Zagreb]
Eddy Ramich is Croatia’s long time veteran in eclectic and house scene.
Today, after more than 25 years of being dedicated and passionate about music, he continues to widen and spread his vision to crowds worldwide.
Being behind of Kontrapunkt, one of the longest running club nights in Zagreb, Eddy brought the very first acid jazz, brokenbeat, soulful / deep house artists to Croatia. Big shots like Theo Parrish, Carl Craig, Gilles Peterson, 4hero, Martyn, Azymuth, Zed Bias made Zagreb crowd dance for more than 15 years.
As a DJ on legendary radio station 101, Eddy hosted for 18 years his two shows, offering listeners fresh point of music view, playing house into broken beats all the way to obscure jazz smoothly.
Being addicted to black music, he started his journey in 90′s as one of few Croatians active all around Europe at that period, today one of few performing worldwide.
Eddy’s insisting on freshness and desire to non stop explore new paths in music, brought him to play venues worldwide like Plastic People, Cielo, Zukunft, Yellow, Djoon, The Room, Rootdown, Watergate and on festivals- Worldwide Festival, Glastonbury, Sziget, Southport Weekender, Dimensions, Garden,… Cities he always loves to come back as he says are Tokyo, New York, Paris, Shanghai, Dubai, St Petersburg,...
Remixing Sun Ra, Ennio Morricone, Arthur Verocai, Tania Maria, Archie Shepp he caught attention of the future jazz world, solo and as a member of house project “Eddy & Dus” during 90′s and in 2000s of “Eddy Meets Yannah”(Compost Records).
Eddy&Dus’s first album “High Life” was released on French label SSOH in 1999 and Eddy meets Yannah released three albums between 2005. and 2010. - “Just like”, "Once in a While" and "Fiction Jar”.
Materials from both projects were remixed by Karizma, Osunlade, Simbad, Crazy P, DJ Gregory, Zed Bias,.. just to name few…
Eddy himself confirms that DJing is his strongest point, whether as a radio or club DJ. Rich music background, energy he shares with the crowd and wish to support and spread good music, makes Eddy Ramich one of key figures in Eastern European dance music scene.