Main page > Thriller > NIRVANA DAY AT THRILLER!
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Wayyyyy back before you were into music, there was a little band. This little band was the signature band of the 90s, they brought a sound that the world so desperately needed after the excess of the 80s. The sound was grunge and the band was Nirvana and it was good.
Very seldom does a band have such a massive impact on that resonates through the decades, but Nirvana did exactly that and because of this impact they are being very deservedly honour into the Music Hall Of Fame. We are beyond stoked about this, and celebrating the only way we know how - a fucking party.
Playing live we have MINUS-NINE doing nothing but NIRVANA covers! All the bangers will be in there, you know the words and you better believe it’s gonna be a great time. In support we have WE WERE GIANTS, THE ELECTRO KID and it’s all opened up by PHOENIX AVENUE!
Wear your best flanno and cop a tasty treat on entry and come out back for a photo with a giant naked baby.
As alway the THRILLER DJs will be playing nothing but the best in party/punk with a special emphasis on 90s grunge for this one, get down til 5am with the most Centrelink friendly of drink specials!
Check us:
@thrillerbrisbane on IG
18+ so bring ID
Doors at 8pm
The Brightside - 27 Warner St, The Valley