Party: Check in Opening Party - Part I + II

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Check in Opening Party - Part I + II

Club: High5 Wörgl

Upcoming: 28
Date: 11.12.2015 20:00
Address: Salzburger Straße 33, Wörgl, Austria | show on the map »

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Party: Check in Opening Party - Part I + II

time 2 check in - aber sowas von...! ;-)
einstand partysieren ist angesagt!

check this out:
☻do. 10.12.2015 soft opening & chilliges come2gether starting 4pm
☻fr. 11.12.2015 ultimate opening party part I feat. dj harry delano
☻sa. 12.12.2015 ultimate opening party Part II feat. dj chris moro

☻pre check in & party activated. djs starting time fr. & sa. @ 10pm
☻free entry!
☻age 18+
☻bowling @ "STRIKE" activated - 14 lanes

reguläre öffnungszeiten | regular opening time
mo - mi.....04 - 12pm
do.............04 - 02pm
fr&sa........01 - 04pm (djs @ work + party bowling)
so.............01 - 12pm

kurzfristige änderungen vorbehalten.
CHECK IN...Bowling.Food.Dance.BAR
im plus, direkt neben m4
salzburgerstr. 33 | 6300 wörgl

☻contact: info[at]