Party: Howl at the Moon's Summer Kick-Off Party!

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Howl at the Moon's Summer Kick-Off Party!

Club: Howl at the Moon Indianapolis

Upcoming: 9
Date: 24.05.2015 17:00
Address: 20 E Georgia St, Indianapolis, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Howl at the Moon's Summer Kick-Off Party!

You've been waiting all winter for summer to return, and we want to help you kick it off right! Grab your swimmies, and join us for $3.00 Bud Lights, $5.00 Skyy vodka, and $20.00 86 oz. Rum Runner Buckets of Booze!

Want to party with 100 of your closest beach buddies? Sign up now to win free admission and a complimentary buffet!