Party: Infinite Jest June 22: Garrett Jamieson (Canada), Pat Burtscher (Canada) & Michael Workman
Main page > InfiniteJest > Infinite Jest June 22: Garrett Jamieson (Canada), Pat Burtscher (Canada) & Michael Workman
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Hosted by Garrett Jamieson (Canada).
-COMEDY WARNING- Headline by Pat Burtscher -COMEDY WARNING-
-COMEDY WARNING- Rather than do an experiment this week we've got the night double headlined (cause there's some great people in town for a short while only) so we've ALSO got a miniheadline by Michael Workman -COMEDY WARNING-
Also featuring:
Alex Storey
Felix Mav
David Tuffley
Scott Sharpe
Kieran Eaton
Jez Watts
Tom Murphy
Nick Maro
James Palm
Ciaran Lyons