Party: Jokes Please! - College Edition!

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Party: Jokes Please! - College Edition!

Jokes Please! is a hilarious stand-up comedy show that is going BACK TO SCHOOL! This week we are teaming up with The Syrup Trap for extra fun!

We have some midterms for you, MIDTERM JOKES! You see, because midterm is a vague expression, oh yeeeaahhh!

Your hosts both have huge brains that were well plied into their fields of study. Andy Kallstrom got his degree in Why Soap Bubbles can Float with a minor in Hobbits and Ross Dauk got a degree in Boiling Vegetables Real Good while earning his second degree (impressive) burn on his elbow. The two hosts will give their good-old college try at newfangled college traditions like looking at the internet in class and binge drinking!

Joke topics may include (but almost for sure won’t):
Textbooks are expensive! Professors are expensive! Expenses are EXPENSIVE!
Learning and burning, baby (culinary college!)!
Pranks and ranks (military college)!
Learning to sell things like pancakes while working on handshakes (business)!
Back flips and banal field trips (H. Kin.)!
Finals stress and hoodies as formal dress!
Scant bursaries and multiple indulgent Arts degrees!
Centrifugal forces and web-only courses (both are pseudo somethings, no?)!
Crimes and rhymes (gangster rap college)
I hate this list but you get the gist (comedy college, why did I rhyme that one?).

Anyhoo, we will also have these fine comedians on the show:

Graham Clark
Ben McGinnis
Sophie Buddle
Mike Greenwood
Suzy Rawsome (happy birthday!)

Also with a super secret Syrup Trap appearance!

Doors at 8:30. Show at 9pm.
Cover is 5.
Drinks are 4.


Invited: David MacLean, Jess Veronica, Nicholas Ellan, Kaitlin Green, Gerald Deo, Kristine Sostar McLellan, Justin McElroy, Naomi Levi, Sarah Jennifer, Denea Campbell, Isabel Pilar Ferreras, Trevor Melanson, Humaira Hamid, Dan Fleming, Jordan Cohen, Stuart Jones, Emma Helsinki Cooper, Ronnie Jones, Scott McLean, Ricardo Bortolon, Brent Vatne show more »
