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Club: The Tunnels Bristol

Upcoming: 0
Date: 23.01.2016 19:30
Address: Arches 31 & 32, Bristol & Exeter Mews, Lower Station Approach Road, Temple Meads, Bristol, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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After 16 years and 14 albums, a Hayseed Dixie show set list pretty much writes itself. But the band best known for their "Rockgrass" re-imaginings of classic rock songs also has a hefty cadre of original material. For the fans who want to hear more Hayseed Dixie and John Wheeler original songs than just "I'm Keeping Your Poop (In a Jar)," for the people who actually own and listen to Hayseed Dixie albums, and also possibly for the people who have always hated Hayseed Dixie's berserk cover version songs but who think the original songs like "Alien Abduction Probe" or "Set Myself On Fire" are downright genius, or possibly not . . . Hayseed Dixie frontman and songwriter, John Wheeler, brings you the "NO COVERS SOLO SHOW." Though it isn't really a solo show because he'll have other people playing on stage with him too. You can't believe anything you read, now can you? Amen. Trans-Atlantic singer-songwriting turned inside out and right side wrong. Testify!

Tickets £8 adv